
I’m an irish rapper, vocalist and instrumentalist from Carlow, I go by the alias “B4bzy” which I coined from my surname Babington. After just two years of pursuing my music career professionally, I can categorically say I have a good few accolades under my belt.


Following the release of  my first official single “Shots” I was asked to do a live performance at the Foundry nightclub, Carlow for the sixth years Grad Night party. After this I was booked for a few other smaller gigs in my town. I was then asked to perform alongside Jay Ronic, one of Cork’s biggest artists, for his album release party in the Factory, Waterford. When I moved to Dublin, I was also able to be involved in numerous gigs and shows. I had some bigger events coming up for the summer but due to circumstances surrounding Covid 19, they were not able to hold.


Even in the current situation of the pandemic I have been able to release three singles; two which were put out with accompanying visuals. However this has caused me to dip into my savings. My latest release “Mo Por” was awarded RTE2 FM’s song of the week by their very own Dj Wax just a few days after its release. Some of my songs have also been played on a handful of radio stations around Dublin such as; Dublin City FM, RTE and FM104 just to name a few.


I have accumulated over two hundred thousand plays on my audio releases on Spotify, Soundcloud and Apple Music. As well as an additional nineteen thousand Youtube views, within 3 months, on just two videos. With the latter video reaching fifteen thousand views and counting after just four weeks.